Sunday 14 June 2015

A Quick Word About Healthy Sleeping: The Best Sleeping Positions For You

Sleep should be restful and refreshing, sleeping well should naturally mean that you wake up feeling fresh and energetic, eager to start a new day. Unfortunately, for many of us, this is far from the truth. Can you identify with that feeling of waking up feeling stiff, having a back pain and generally feeling more tired than you felt before you slept? It may be due to a poor quality mattress or bad pillows, but before you haul out your mattress and pillows, it may also be due to your sleeping position.

Let's take a look at the best sleeping position(s) for your health and general well-being.

In order to wake up fresh every morning, full of energy and no pains at all you only need one bed, four pillows and the right sleeping position. Doctor Joseph Bogart thought a technique that helps us to wake up as reborn and happy.

He claims that the stiff feeling appears because of the backs, necks and vertebrae’s everyday effort to adapt on the substrate.

That’s why he prefers two positions – one is for those who want to sleep on their back and the other one is for those who prefer sleeping on their belly. Note however that belly sleeping is NOT recommended. (Please tell me to take my own advise on this *sigh*). By the way, a Muslim friend once told me that evil spirits (anjonu) enter into people who sleep on their bellies. If you are superstitious, that is another reason not to sleep face down. Lol.

But seriously, watch the expert - Dr Bogart - demonstrate. Happy future sleeping!

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