Tuesday 30 June 2015

Bananas: 7 Reasons Why You Should Love Them

There was a time that I started trying to avoid eating bananas because every time I started with one, I would not get satisfied until I had devoured an entire big bunch and then I would go looking for more. Eating so many of them usually sent me to the 'white house' quite often so I decided the simple solution was to avoid bananas all together. But I couldn't stay away for too long, I soon got hooked again, and maybe you should too. Bananas are just such excellent fruits!

1. They make you glow.

Bananas are an easy way to make your face glow. Just mash one and apply it to your face. Sit with it for 15 minutes then wash it off with cool water. Bananas are natural skin lighteners because they’ve got Vitamin A that erases discoloration and Vitamin E that provides protection against free radicals. Use bananas all over if you want to get rid of any discoloration before a special event.

2. They provide you with probiotics.

Probiotics are essential to consume because they balance the bacteria in your gut, which prevents the overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria that leads to inflammation all over the body. Bananas are a natural source of probiotics because they contain fructooligosaccharides (FOS), ignore the long name, in summary, FOCs encourage healthy bacteria to flourish.

3. They relieve anxiety

Bananas are rich in potassium, which isn’t only good for lowering your blood pressure. This nutrient also helps to decrease stress levels and boost your mental performance. This is because it regulates stress hormones such as cortisol in the body. Now that’s a good reason to snack on a banana before your stressful work conference.

4. They boost your weight loss

Bananas can help you lose weight because they’re a great substitute for high-calorie snacks. Since they’re sweet, bananas will satisfy your sugar cravings without the calories. One medium-sized banana only contains 105 calories. Added to this, bananas also increase your metabolism because they contain chromium, a mineral that helps your body burn more calories.

5. They send migraines away.

If you have ever been plagued by a migraine, you know it's one of the worst things that can happen, but bananas are a food that can fight and prevent them. The reason for this is that they’re a good source of magnesium. The next time you feel a headache coming on, reach for a nutrient-packed banana.

6. They tenderize your meat dish.

You know the 'kaun' we use for ewedu and other stuff is a tenderizer because it is potassium, and bananas are packed full with potassium, so obviously, they can perform the same function! Some tropical countries use banana leaves to wrap meat when it’s cooking so that it turns out nice and soft. You can use the unripe ones. Not only is this a great way to make use of those green bananas in your fruit rack, but they’re also a great source of vitamins and fiber.

7. They help you sleep better

Forget about counting sheep when you can’t sleep—eat bananas! They’re a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin in the brain. This hormone is a natural sedative, while it also busts a bad mood. 

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