Saturday 25 July 2015

The Thing About Success....

It's actually three things and not just one thing about success that I want to share. Success has been defined and explained in so many ways and so many words that there is no point going over that again. However, there are some fundamental things about success that people seem to overlook, I'm going to talk about 3 of those things in this post.

1. To succeed, you need to really want it.

In order to succeed in attaining something significant, the first rule is that you really need to want it from the depths of your heart. You need to want it enough to do whatever it takes not just whatever is convenient, no matter what the obstacles might be. If you don’t do so, then this will most likely lead you to failure. In fact, failure usually shows that you lack motivation to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. So if you have a goal, go after it only if you truly and deeply desire to achieve it.

2. Mistakes are important.

Making mistakes is a necessary part of the process to becoming successful. All people who have achieved something great admit that they had to make a lot of mistakes before they could achieve what they were aiming for. But they saw mistakes as something good, helping them to eliminate what they shouldn’t do in the future, so they can move forward in their search for success.

3. Persistence is key.

The third lesson failure can teach you about meeting success is that nothing of importance can be achieved the easy way. Keep at the back of your mind what they say about quitters (that they never win), and also remember what they say about winners (that they NEVER quit, never give up). Perseverance leads us to the first point, you can hardly persevere for something except you are truly passionate about it.

Cover image via Lifehack

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