Wednesday 5 August 2015

7 Reasons Why You Should Seriously Consider Being Your Own Boss

Before we get started, lets set some things straight: Being your own boss does not in any way mean you'll have less work to do and more time to relax, on the contrary, you are going to have to work your ass out more than you ever have before, at least for the first couple of years. But be that as it may, there are definitely some perks to being your own boss. Think about it, if your current oga at the top didn't become his/her own boss, what job would you be working now? So you see, you really need to consider this my own boss thing, here's 7 more reasons you should.

1. Flexible working hours

You will never have to worry about being late to the office again. Being self employed means that you can set your own hours and mold your professional life around your personal life in the best way possible. You might need to work extra and longer hours at the beginning, like I already said, but you then work toward a much more flexible working schedule. If you want to work at two in the morning or start at 5pm, that’s up to you.

2. You gain terrific self discipline

There is no room to be sloppy, because now you know any wrong attitude translates directly into how much you have in your pocket. No one needs to serve you quarries before you set yourself straight! Knowing that your business depends solely on your input can really inspire and push you to go that extra mile and not procrastinate. You will learn to set goals for your business and for your life – and sometimes they go hand in hand.

3. No financial middle man

No matter what job you have, your boss is always making more money than you (well, that's just obvious). Fix this problem by becoming your own boss and benefiting from much more of the cash flow of the business. Gone are the days when you have to work on commission, making something like 10% for each sale! Even if you’re earning less, there’s a greater satisfaction in knowing it’s all yours (apart from the bit you have to give over to taxes), and probably the salaries you have to pay.

4. Live your own dream

Whereas you may not be satisfied with fitting into the business dream and model of someone else, becoming self employed allows you to live the professional dream that you have always harbored. Why help somebody else build his or her dream when you could be building your own?

5. Gain that amazing sense of accomplishment

There is nothing to boost your confidence and give you self-satisfaction like seeing a business that you built with your own resources begin to flourish. It may take some time and the road may be hard, but there is no comparison once you are settled and comfortable.

6. You'll learn important life lessons

Making the jump into self employment will result in your learning life lessons that you were never prepared for in school or university. These lessons will be tough, but will be ultimately character building and will make you both a better business figure and person.

7. You make your own rules

You will never have to follow the rules of another boss again. From here on in it’s your rules all the way, which mixed with your newly found self discipline and learned life lessons, will surely make for the best working experience you have ever had.

So, what do you think? Wanna start planning to take that leap of faith? Don't spend forever planning though, take a cue from Nike and Just Do It!

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