Wednesday 12 August 2015

Why Working From 9 To 5 Everyday Makes No Sense At All!

Everyone is all about productivity these days and since it's usually good to question traditions every now and then, I found myself wondering at some point in time if a regular 8 hour 9 - 5 work hour day is the most productive system of work. Listening to Dolly Parton singing 9 to 5 also makes you wonder, particularly if you are also surfing the internet at the same time and then suddenly stumble upon the fact that some other human beings (just like you) actually work from 7.30am to 2.30pm in Maldives (at least in the public sector, and banks are only open from 8am to 1.30pm!)

I don't even want to know why they work that way in Maldives, it just sounds good already...., if only I could pack up and go get me a job over there - *wistful sigh*! Anyway, while I was still thinking if I was the only one thinking the 9 to 5 deal has to change, I found this:

Oh, wait, have I mentioned yet that the painful thing is that in Nigeria, such jobs are 8 to 6, sometimes 8 to 7 if you are not careful, in fact, some people do 6 to 6! 

Okay, now, to what I found:

What do you think? Would your boss be game? Or, in case you are the boss, do any of these options sound good? 

If you are heading to work already, or at work sef, that means you are still stuck in the 9 - 5/ 8 - 6 situation for a while, well, all I can say is have an excellent and productive day as we all look forward to that time when things will be different!

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