Wednesday, 4 November 2015

A Note To Yourself: About What You Say

When you were young, your parents probably said to you "think before you talk, kid". More likely than not, you've heard those words from several other people over the years. You know they are all right, in fact, you goive the same advice yourself. It's just that sometimes, jist like any other mortal being, you get so caught up in passion and emotion that you say the first thing that comes to your mind - ofcourse, without thinking about it. It's fine. It happens to everyone every now and then, just don't let it become a habit. Remind yourself: "just because it pops into my head does not mean it should come out of my mouth". 

Cleaning up the mess from words that should never have been spoken is too much hardwork. Save yourself the stress. It takes less effort to bite your tongue when it's necessary!


Cover image via

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