Saturday 2 May 2015

As Crazy As It Gets!

What do you think?

Did this man have a right to go crazy?

A sick patient entered a psychiatrist’s office one day and the doctor asked him how he came to be in the mental facility. He answered and said:

“I married a woman who is a single mother with a teenage daughter, you see, my problems started when my father came visiting and fell in love with my step-daughter. 

He married her, and so she became my mother in-law. But this also meant that my father had become my son in-law and I was my own father’s father in-law!

Now things got really bad when my dad’s wife who is my daughter and also my 'mother' got pregnant and had a son. The boy was my grandson, but at the same time, my step brother. 

Remember that my wife is my step mom’s mother and also my brother’s grandmother, this makes her my grandmother too, and being married to her, I  came to the realization that I am my own grandfather!!!

Wouldn't you go crazy if you were me?

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