Friday, 29 May 2015

Beauty And Fitness: How To Get The Flattest Tummy In The Fastest And Most Sustainable Way

I know you admire those people who have tummies that are so flat, you could iron your clothes on it. I also know you secretly (or maybe openly) crave such a tummy, but you most likely lack the willpower and drive to do what it takes to get that flat tummy. Well, your tummy will remain the way it is, or worse, get bigger if you do nothing about it. Instead of just admire all those flat bellies on others, get yourself one. Read how to do so in the fastest and most sustainable way after the cut.

1. Cut your food intake:

This is just basic really! All that belly fat won't just disappear if you keep feeding it. Yes, I know food is important,yet you don’t have to take food proportions equal to your tummy size. Limit your daily intake to small but nourishing proportions about four to five times daily times daily. Don't skip meals, particularly not breakfast, that only makes you consume more during your next meal and throughout the day

2. Drink more water

Notice I didn't just say drink more fluid, as most people will seize that as an opportunity to increase coke and Fanta intake. Sugar is not what you need on the journey to a flatter tummy. Regularly drinking water, especially in the morning, increases digestive power and helps flush out metabolic waste. Water also keeps you full, thus helping you resist the urge to overeat.

3. Chew food slowly and thoroughly

I don't mean you should become like ruminant animals who seem to spend most of the day chewing, but you need to take time to chew properly. This is the number 1 tip to faster digestion and to reduce bloating.

4. No late night eating

Don’t eat anything for two to three hours before sleep. Your body slows down when you sleep, which will prevent your body from digesting the food in your stomach properly.

5. Load up on your fruits and veggies

Cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, pears, tomatoes, bananas, apples, pineapples and berries are  all excellent foods for shedding weight and building immunity.

6. Exercise

Did you honestly think it would end with your diet? Lol, sorry to burst your bubble, you have to work out too o. Find belly exercises that work for you. The most popular are probably sit ups.To do the sit ups, Lie down on the floor with your hands on your side and you knees bent.Keep your feet on the ground and sit up. Repeat 10 times and increase the amount you do daily. Make sure you try to do them daily, or at least 3-4 times a week.

Enjoy your journey to a nice and flat tummy, take someone along. Ciao!

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