Tuesday 5 May 2015

Strong, Solid, Bold..., Like A Wall

"...You are so strong, and big, and black, like a wall, like a big black wall..., and solid, you are sooo solid too."

If you have seen Tyler Perry's 'Single mums club', you would have heard the above quote before. As you might imagine (if you haven't seen the movie), a white girl said it to a black girl, or rather, a white middle aged single mum said it to a black middle aged single mum.

In the movie, the black woman was actually big, but not dwelling so much on the matter of size, what are the qualities that would qualify a woman to be described as strong, solid and bold like a wall?

Let's set things straight, a woman does not have to walk around with her head packed full with all sorts of feminist theories to be able to fit into the 'strong,solid, and bold' description. She doesn't have to go start a body building regimen either. A woman however, has to have her head full of feminine theories to be all she has the potential to be.

I know a whole lot of strong, solid and bold women. These women are courageous, compassionate, loving (they've got what I call tough love), and they have large hearts. These women have known pain, real pain, but they have always handled their pain and faced their fears with courage and great faith.

They don't struggle with men to prove a point or to prove equality, because they know they are not the same. They don't have to prove a point because they know a man is not better than a woman, he is simply different! A strong woman knows the things not to squander her strength on, she has learnt to fully harness her strength and channel them in the right direction.

In today's World, it is more important that a woman is more in touch with her feminine self than with her feminist self. It is the feminine part of a woman that has got it 'all together'. She is able to juggle the demands of a busy career, caring for her husband, raising her children, nourishing her relationship with God, chasing and achieving her dreams, helping others out, and exercising her body to keep fit and healthy. Mind you, that list isn't even exhaustive. The things a woman has got all under lock down just makes you wanna go 'whew!'.

A strong woman is not afraid of respecting her man, she is not afraid of being exploited by him and she isn't engaged in a constant power tussle with him. Oh yes, she has times when she just wants to let it all go and just breathe, but she always manages to keep it all together. Why? Because she is living her life and running her own race and she isn't in a competition with anybody!

Every woman is strong and has the potential to be rock solid too, like a wall. But she needs to learn not to waste her energy on the things that are unnecessary.

A quick word to the gents,

Dear men, you should respect and value all the dear strong women out there. They've got this inner strength that no man can ever hope to equal, what they lack in muscle and stamina, they more than make up for on the inside. You see, what goes into that total package that's visible is stuff you can never finish unpacking however long you try. Oh yeah! It's that much.

A salute to all 'em women out there who are 'like a wall'. Don't ever give up on being strong! *Stage whisper*, the men depend on you, they just won't always admit it!

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