Monday 22 June 2015

5 Inspiring Lessons That Will Make Your Life Simpler

Life is really not as complicated as we make it out to be. In many cases, all the things that seem so terribly important are just in the mind. Sometimes, we all need to carefully unpack our minds, toss out the unnecessary stuff and rearrange the few important things. You'll be amazed with just how much unnecessary things are actually in your mind - it's like a wallet, you gather up all those papers and receipts you don't really need, and every now and then, you have to throw them out.

1. Stuff is just stuff.

This one was an eye opener for me. The things we hold onto, the things we buy, what’s it all for? I need a bigger TV. I think I need more clothes. I definitely have to have that chair. So much stuff. Do we really need it? The simpler I live, the less stuff I have, the easier life is. I can honestly say I truly have everything I need. Stuff is just stuff.

2. People are people no matter where you go.

How often do you wonder if the people in the Bahamas have a better life, or if the people in New York are more stressed, or maybe the people in Los Angeles really are richer? Who cares? No matter where you go, everyone has the same problems. Work, life, kids, bills, sickness, poverty.

We’re all people and we all have stories. We are all on this planet with the same goals. We all live, breathe, laugh, play, cry, and die. Be kind to each other. Treat everyone the same—with respect and compassion—no matter where you are. We are all in this together.

3. The world is big and beautiful. Go see it.

Not everyone has a huge savings to use for travels around the world, and many of us can’t up and leave our lives for years, but we can venture out beyond the world we know, whether that means visiting a new city, a new state, or a new country.

If you want it bad enough, you’ll figure out a way to do it.

4. Things don’t need to be so complicated.

I’m guilty of making mountains out of molehills. Things that really annoy me, anger me, scare me, and just freak me out usually end up being easily managed anyway. Things are rarely as bad as we make them out to be.

I know it’s easy to say this when you’re young, not tied to anything, and you’re having the time of your life. But life truly is a lot easier and more enjoyable when you relax, keep your eye on the big picture, and focus on the good things instead of stressing out about everything that seems bad.

5. Life is short. Be brave and take chances.

Get out of your box and go do things. Many things. Adventurous things, scary things, fun things, not so fun things (because you won’t know that they aren’t fun until you try them). Seriously, get out of your comfort zone. There is a plethora of adventures awaiting you. 

This is a truncated edition, read the full article.

Source: Tinybuddha
Image Credit: Theunconformingprofessional

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