Thursday 18 June 2015

How To Keep The Rot Away From Your Bananas For Longer.

As much as I love bananas, the thing about them is that they have this habit of ripening all at once and then going bad before you know it. So you find a great buy of a large bunch of almost ripe bananas today, by tomorrow, they all ripen on the kitchen counter, but by evening, they are getting soft and bruised, the next day, you already have brown, sick looking bananas. Here is how you can stop that from happening and keep them fresh for longer.

Via Youtube

Via Somewhatsimple
It's a really simple trick, simply separate them and wrap the stems individually with cling film. this will slow down the ripening process by say 3-4 days. More time to enjoy your bananas in their best state and to help you avoid having to try to make them fresh again. If you are feeling lazy or you don't have enough cling film to go wrapping each banana individually, then wrap the crown of the whole bunch all together. Wrapping them individually however gives the advantage of less bruising, in a bunch, they weigh down on eachother causing the bananas resting against the counter directly to bruise and get soft.

Cover Image: Buzzle

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