Headaches seem to be the most common health trouble everyone gets. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to keep having a headache all of the time, several days in a row? I have been there, too often for comfort. Sometimes it's caused by too much noise, other times by sitting in traffic, sometimes by all the potholes and bumps one gets into while driving around town and at other times, it's simply because I'm hungry! Popping paracetamol all the time isn't advisable, because a time will come when paracetamol simply won't cure your headaches anymore! Here is an infograph that contains all you need to know about headaches plus natural ways to make them ease off.
One thing almost always works for me when dealing with a headache - a short nap. If you can afford one at the time you feel a headache, you will most likely wake up refreshed and without the ache. Also, a recurring headache could be a symptom of some more serious ailment, you should see a doctor if that happens, do not just keep popping pills!
Cover image via Healthyblackmen
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