Tuesday 25 August 2015

Hilarious! The Nigerian Teacher Who Took A Job In China

As much as we like to laugh at Asian languages, we are gradually coming to terms with the fact that those languages are gaining popularity. Mandarin has the highest number of speakers in the World already (due to their population, anyway), but that number is growing steadily. Everybody wants to do business with China now, maybe before long, you will find yourself enrolling for Mandarin classes too, like the poor teacher in the joke below would have to.

A Nigerian teacher was sent to china to teach. The first day he entered the class, he began by roll calling.
He said "Sheng.'' A student said ''present.''

He called the second name, chu muon. Another student said ''present.''

Suddenly, he sneezed,''hatchia'' one student seated at the corner stood up and said,''present.''

He then exclaimed and said,''hmmmm...''all the students shouted ''absent.''

He got confused and said,''chai...'' three students stood up and said, ''which of us?''

The teacher became more confused and he asked, ''what is wrong?'' A student stood up and said, ''sir, i'm not wrong, i'm called wong.''

The teacher now laughed and said,''hahaha ''..A girl said.'' Present sir.''

The poor teacher fainted!

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