Sunday 9 August 2015

Monday Again?! Get Ready Already!!!

For some people, the worst thing about Sundays is that it is Monday tomorrow. You just can't believe that the thrilling weekend is over already, like it never began! But yes, it's Monday again and you should be going 'TGIM - Thank God it's Monday'.

Doing these 7 things after church on Sunday will help your smooth transition into the new week.

1. Do your laundry - make sure all your clothes are clean and good to go.

2. Pick out your outfits for the week, choose what to wear for each day, iron them and hang them up, ready to pick and wear. This way, you can skip the what-to-wear pressure every morning.

3. Check your mail and respond to any backlog so you don't have to go back to that on Monday. You could also prepare letters or mails you know you would have to send later in the week ahead of time.

4. Clean out your bag/briefcase/wallet. Get rid of the junk - old receipts, paper scraps, parking/toll gate tickets etc. Make sure you put everything you'll be needing back in, especially important files or documents you will need at work.

5. Make a list of the things you want/need to do for the week. Organize your week ahead, just to give yourself a general idea of what the week will look like, before you start setting daily specific goals.

6. Spend quality time with your family. It will really help you relax and unwind before another work week starts.

7. Make sure you go to bed early and catch enough rest so you wake up active on Monday morning.

Cover image via Lovethispic

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