Saturday 6 June 2015

5 Things You Say That Might Get You Fired On Your First Day At Work

It is your first day at a new workplace and you are excited, eager to impress and be liked. However, in your excitement, there are certain things to avoid saying because they could definitely set you off on the wrong foot. 
1. So, when do I get a raise?

For real? Perhaps you should start by remembering that most companies put you on a 90 day probation first. At least scale through that period before seeking a raise.

2. By the way, I have to leave early on Fridays

If you hadn't discussed this before you were hired, it shows a serious lack of communication and disrespect on your part to drop this bomb on your first day.

3. My former boss was clueless

If you start by bad mouthing your former boss, your current boss will believe you could one day be bad mouthing him too.

4. What is the employee discount like?

Just chill, and offer them something first before actively seeking what they can offer you.

5. I can't do it this way

Keep the conversation positive, your new employer doesn't want to hear you can't do, they want to hear that you are open minded and ready to learn to do it their way.

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