Friday, 21 August 2015

This Is The Most Compelling Message To Smokers Ever!

If you know anyone who smokes, you need to show them this. No other 'stop smoking' campaign has ever been this compelling.

“The Message from the Lungs” is loud and clear: Stop. Smoking.

Although most smokers probably don’t think too much about it, the above video shows just how much tar builds up in your lungs over a lifetime of inhaling carcinogenic material.

In conjunction with the Thai Health Promotion Foundation and Faculty of Medicine for Chulalongkorn University, BBDO Proximity Thailand extracted tar from the lungs of a man who had smoked for 50 years of his life on a daily basis, and created ink from it. They then bottled and distributed it to the public, accompanied by a demonstration of just how much ink was created, and how incredibly dark it is.

Although the dangers of smoking are well-documented and generally well-known, many people continue to ignore warning signs throughout their lives. Smokers need to be especially aware of the dangers of second-hand smoke, which can affect loved ones who have never voluntarily taken a single puff of a cigarette.

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