Thursday 30 April 2015

A Cold Sun

The sun lost it's sting
Shadows grew longer and darker
There was a gentle breeze
And suddenly, the sky darkened
Ominous clouds stretched across the sky
The wind howled loudly
Trees whistled as they twisted
In an ungraceful dance
Dogs barked

A few fat raindrops fell from the heavens
And then, the rain fell….andfell.
Heaven opened every flood gate
And the waters poured upon the ground
The earth sucked it all up greedily
Until it was full
…. But still, the rain fell……

The chill was thick in the air
Lightening pierced the sky
Its long fingers touching the earth
The Heavens thundered loudly
Birds screeched and huddled together
Only snails and earthworm seemed at peace
As they slithered around contentedly.

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