Thursday 30 April 2015

The Fireplace


One little boy sat and watched this live light every night
Light that could move, it didn't just moved, it leaped and danced!
The teacher insisted that light wasn't a living thing
But this little boy wondered if she was blind to see,
Or maybe all she taught him was wrong
How could something so obviously alive be dead?
He could not help but wonder.


Fire, that’s what everyone called the live light
It was so alive; it was always so hot,
While other human bodies were merely warm!
Mom always called out “come away from that fire, darling”
How could something so beautiful hold any threat though?
And it had this vital force that held our little boy spell bound
Perhaps, they could form an acquaintance, he and this fire.


This little boy decided to reach out to the fire
After all, at Sunday school, he was told
That all good boys must be friendly
So, he reached out to make his first contact with his friend
He had his new colorful gloves on
Fire seemed really friendly, his glove was aglow already
The boy stared at his hand in wonder
But just for a moment, because the pain became more real
He screamed, he thought they were friends!
Oh, would he ever get over this betrayal?

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