Monday 4 May 2015

OOB Monday Inspiration Brew

According to Dr James S. Vuocolo, "Some folks walk through life pleased that the cup is half full, while others spend a lifetime lamenting that it’s half empty. The truth is that there is a glass with a certain volume of water in it; from there, it’s up to you."

I love that quote, particularly the "from there, it's up to you" bit.

The key here is PERCEPTION. Some people perceive optimistically, but others perceive pessimistically. What you get out of situations and out of your life as a whole depends greatly on how you view things. It’s a popular question with psychologists – “is the cup half empty or half full?” The response helps to sort people into optimists and pessimists. Which are you?

Due to the kind of society we live in, it has become exceedingly difficult for us to see the good in anything. But the truth is that there will be no progress until we learn to see the good that can come out of every situation. We need to learn not to damn ideas even before they ever see the light of day.

When you are driving through the streets of Lagos and get stuck in a traffic jam, you really shouldn't immediately start to attack and damn the government. Yes, they are inefficient in a lot of ways, but first try to consider the issues causing the problems and think up possible solutions to solving them so that you can effect the solution when you get in power; or even sell you idea to the government and get well paid for it. (Now, that would be really nice you know). It's an opportunity for you to be a solution provider!

A wise man once said “The question that faces each man is not what he would do if he had the means, time, influence and educational advantages but what he will do with something he already has!”

It doesn't matter so much if the society has not really given you everything you need to have the perfect life, you need opportunities? Then create them yourself! Stop seeing the bad side of everything and get actively positive in your thinking and actions!

Be inspired!

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