Saturday 13 June 2015

DIY Trick For Trapping Mosquitoes

We all hate mosquitoes, they are particularly notorious in this part of the World. When they bite, they leave itchy and reddened swellings on the skin, plus they cause malaria. It even seems as if the new species of mosquitoes have developed resistance to most insecticides! Even Baygon doesn't seem effective anymore, you spray your house this evening and by nighttime, the mosquitoes are holding a symphony right inside your eardrums! Annoying! Because you then start slapping yourself all over.

How would you like to trap those pesky little insects once and for all? Apart from just wanting to get rid of them, you might want to use them for some science project. Lol. Anyway, this is a foolproof method to trap mosquitoes that they cannot but fall for, and I expect it'll take some time before their common sense tells them to start avoiding this stuff (do they even have common sense?) Well, even if they do, before then, we humans would have derived a new method of getting them. So, what is this wonder mosquito trapping method? Watch and learn!

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