Monday 22 June 2015

For The Love Of Food: Honey Roasted Peanuts

I was doing my best not to get frustrated by certain issues in this country today when I decided that a snack was just the thing I needed to feel better (I don't regularly indulge in comfort food, I think I was actually hungry). The image of a bottle of groundnuts floated to my mind, so I got up to go get some. When I saw my bottle of groundnuts sitting beside a bottle of honey, I decided a combination of these two would probably taste very good. 

I decided to just look up honey roasted groundnuts on the internet and I was a bit disappointed that other people had thought of it before me, but I was also happy that I had directions to follow, and so I made it according to this recipe, and it was yum yum! After the roasting, I tossed them with a pinch of salt and a dash of sugar, hmmmn, goodness gracious!

I then thought to try it out with garri, so I looked for correct Ijebu garri (the nicely sour one) and cold water and as I poured the roasted nuts in, I admired the delicious color. O boy, it tasted good in the garri o! The only thing is groundnut + butter is a recipe for pimples....... my face oooo!

Anyways, I have accepted the 'chop now and pay later' levels for this one.

It just occurred to me that they sell this stuff in supermarkets, but I advice you to try make yours, its easy!

See the recipe here.

Tips From Someone who made it: 
  • Do NOT use margarine, it will burn and get too dark.
  • If you find that the peanuts are still gooey or sticky after cooling, it means that you probably didn't cook them enough. They need to be cooked until the honey reaches a hard crack stage (i.e. the honey is hard like candy once cool). While cooking, take a peanut out (not with your fingers though!) and dip it in ice water quickly. If the honey shell around the peanut is hard and goo-free, they're done. But don't overcook (as the other reviewer mentioned) because honey can burn quickly.

Image Credit: Nut

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