Monday, 29 June 2015

It Would Be Impossible Not To Fall In Love With Your Job If Your Office Looked Like Any Of These

By the time you see the pictures of what these offices look like on the inside, the idea of getting married to one's job will make perfect sense to you. These people show that the World is going past the regular boring and uncomfortable building designs. Now, work can make you feel at home. Some of them even look like some kind of playground, in fact, some look like Disneyland or even a movie set, but don't be deceived, they are getting serious work done. So, what excuse will you give for not delivering excellent work? This is excellent motivation in itself!

Google Office

Lego office 

Zynga Office

Urban Outfitters

Selgas Cano Architecture Office

Facebook Office

Inventionland Factory Office

Source: Boredpanda

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