Friday 18 September 2015

Is It Too Late To Build Friendship After You Are Married?

"Marry your best friend" goes the popular saying. I wonder how many married people are actually married to their best friends. For people that are already married, it's too late to go back and get married to your best friend, but there is still hope. You can make who you are married to become your best friend. The Elevation Church suggested these 11 tips to make that happen. I think they actually work. Learn what to do and put some effort into it. You'll be happier for it at the end!

1. Take interest in his/her interests, in his/her job, friends, hobbies etc.

2. Develop shared interests. Try to find things you have in common so you can spend time together.

3. Make each other laugh. Share jokes with each other.

4. have mutual friends (mutual friends are like mutual interests. They keep you spending time together).

5. Parent your children together.

6. Take some time off just for the two of you.

7. Compliment your spouse often.

8. Be sentimental (say sweet nothings without sexual expectations).

9. Practice vulnerability (share your pains, fears, vulnerability, etc).

10. Respect each other's families

11. Pray together.

Via Elevationng

It's not too late for you to build friendship in marriage. You just need to really want to make it happen. Cheers!

Cover image via

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