Monday, 2 November 2015

Halleluyah, My Daughter Likes Boys!

It was a beautiful Sunday service in church yesterday, it always is. But yesterday was something extra special - thanksgiving for a new month (happy new month guys!) You can't not thank God, it's just 2 months to the end of the year and He brought you this far! Anyway, apart from the joy of thanksgiving, there was also the very important sermon on how to adapt to changing times and stay relevant in our changing World. I still had that on my mind when I was reading a Facebook status later in the day. The status made me laugh, and then made me think. This is the gist of the status: 

Mum: Who is this fine boy (see picture below) you have used as your screen saver?

Daughter: That is Bruno Mars mummy(she gave me that 'mummy doesn't know jack' look).

Mum: Why is he your screen saver, I thought your daddy removed it? 
Daughter: I put it back mummy. I like him. 
Mum: Oh! You like boys? 
Daughter: How do you mean mummy? Of course, I like boys! 
Mum: My God!!! Thank you o!!! I am happy o!!! I am fortunate o!!! My own did not spoil o!!!
Imagine! In the Summer of 1976, this would have earned me the beating of my life with three pronged koboko! You like boys? Gbau!!! (You begin to see small stars snowball into bigger ones. You feel some kind of nuclear fusion in your brain after the mighty slap). Then you hear; Someone help me! Bad child! spoilt child!... 2015, a preteen (that's how she qualifies herself) saying she liked boys calls for celebration. Ijo ope re da? Ijo ope mi ree!! And Pharrell Williams took over. I am happy. And I sang to my heart's content. Don't ask me why?
Can you blame this woman?

It's funny, right? At the same time, it makes you think about how the times have changed. Back in those days, it was a punishable offense for your kids to show any special interest in the opposite sex. Today, parents are rejoicing that their kids are actually interested in the opposite sex. It kinda makes you wonder what the future holds, doesn't it? 

There is one reality you have to face though: parenting just got more difficult! God help us all.

Cover image; Blackpreteenbeautymodel via

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