Thursday, 19 November 2015

How To Get Rid Of 'Yellow Armpits' Forever!

It is absolutely unforgiveable for you to raise your arms for one reason or the other in public and then everyone needs to see the disgusting yellow stains in your shirt underarms. You can't control the interactions of sweat and deodorant that cause the stains, but what you can do is to wash them out properly. I know regular detergent won't do that no matter how long you soak and scrub, so, I've got an easy way out for you! Now, you NEVER have to have stained armpits again!

This clever, ridiculously easy method uses only two ingredients to remove these stains that would normally leave you embarrassed: baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and a little bit of hydrogen peroxide. You'll find peroxide in any drugstore/pharmacy and baking soda in baking shops.

All you need to do is make a mixture of both. After rubbing this mixture onto your shirts troubled areas and then giving them a regular wash, they will come out looking as good as new. 3-4 tablespoons of peroxide and 2-3 tablespoons on baking soda should do, depending on how much you need. The rule of thumb is to form a paste from the mixture, use a small brush to work it into the fabric and let it sit for about an hour before washing.

Now you never have to see those pesky stains again, nor stop wearing your otherwise good clothes.

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