Tuesday 9 June 2015

For The Love Of Food (And Cooking): How To Peel A Head Of Garlic Without A Knife In 10 Seconds

I love to experiment with new recipes, and also spice up old ones. Garlic is a spice that features in quite a lot of the nice recipes, but peeling garlic is a unique pain in the ass! That garlic smell is so strong and lingers for so long ( thank God for the toothpaste trick of getting rid of the smell!). So, call me lazy, but I decided to hunt down a way of peeling garlic without stress, and I sure did find what I was looking for. I believe it's worth sharing, so find out how you peel garlic quick and easy without hassles below. You couldn't have guessed what it is!

Simply put the head of garlic in a bowl, cover it up with another bowl and shake the hell out of it. By the time you uncover it, all the pieces of garlic will be sitting nicely independent and devoid of the skin! Watch the demonstration in the video below.

Pretty easy right? You could use stainless steel bowls too. Now that we have learnt this, the next one to tick off the list is 'how to peel ginger in 10 seconds or less'. When I find that out, I'll be sure to let you know!

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