Thursday 25 June 2015

The Mind Boggling Matter Of Subjectivity

How is it that something that seems good just now can become bad in the next minute? How do we judge these things? This is an example for you to consider and ponder. 

An elderly woman was asked "How is your daughter living?" 

"My dear daughter!", she replied, " She is so happy. She has a wonderful husband! He gave her a car, bought her jewelry that she dreamed about, hired servants for her. They serve her breakfast in bed, and she stays in bed until noon. He’s not a husband, but a prize!" 

This same woman was asked again "And your son, how is he?" 

This time, she replied "My poor boy! He married a real grouch! He gave her everything that she wanted: a car, jewelry, an army of servants. And she is lying in bed until noon! And doesn’t even get up to make breakfast for her husband!" 

How do you judge this? Don't they say what is good for the goose is good for the gander? What changed? 

Before you criticize this woman though, how many times have you been asked a question and then you began your answer with the words "It depends"? The question is, should it have to depend?

Cover Image via Hablamejoringles

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