Wednesday 24 June 2015

C'mon, Don't Just Sit There!

I was going to go into details about how bad sitting all day can be in the long run, because there are several dear ones around me who struggling with severe back pains now due to a life history of sedentary jobs. However, I found a very detailed infograph that explains just how bad sitting can be for extended periods.

Most of us have jobs that keep us chained to a desk from 8 - 5 everyday, and also have to spend hours sitting in traffic during the daily commute. However, taking a 5 minutes walk around the office every hour can make a huge difference over time. Also, when you are not working, it's advisable to work in as much physical activity into your life as you can manage. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to your house instead of taking a bike, etc. Being conscious to sit in the correct posture as much as possible will also help.

Click on the image for a larger version or download the pdf format here.

Cover Image via Experiencelife

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