Monday 14 September 2015

Top 7 Most Expensive Honeymoon Destinations In The World!

I still wonder why the act of newly married couples going away to be alone together after the wedding was called 'honeymoon'. I'll probably do a small research on that someday. Anyway, the honeymoon is so special that I hear that on an average, most new couples spend at least 14% of their entire wedding budget on it! It sounds like a lot of money, but I guess it's worth it. After all, every couple wants to create memories that will last a lifetime - stories to narrate to the kids and even grand kids about a grand honeymoon. In case you haven't had a honeymoon yet and you were wondering what the best (and of course, the most expensive) locations in the World are, I've got the list for you!

Even if you have honeymooned before, you might still want to have that special vacation of a lifetime with your Mr/Mrs.

So, according to Oyster, here are the 7 most expensive honeymoon destinations in the World (you might want to start saving towards a trip to any of them!)

1. Maldives


2. Greek Cyclades Islands


3. Bora Bora Islands


4. Fiji


5. Tuscany


6. Kauai


7. British Virgin Islands


There you have it! You can see the full article here: The 7 Most Expensive Honeymoon Destinations in the World

Cover image via Noborders

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