Thursday 16 July 2015

Must Read - Latest '419' Tricks To Dupe People!

I found this on a friend's Facebook wall and I think it is very important that everyone reads this. Fraudsters are upgrading their tactics to dupe people just as every other thing is evolving. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Please, be guided.

Please this is a true story which happened just few days ago! 
One of my friends advertised a car for sale with a the price tag of N2.7M. A prospective customer called and was given direction on how to get to where the car was parked. He observed the car and informed my friend that he was heading to the bank to make payment and that she, my friend, should assemble the vehicle's documents ready for collection as soon as payment is made. 
Shortly thereafter, a transaction alert from her bank came to my friend's phone confirming payment of the agreed sale price. 
Few minutes after the alert, the customer came and all the papers plus the car was handed over to him and he left! 
To my friend's greatest shock, she went to the bank and could not find any money! The bank claimed that the alert did not come from its platform! 
My friend is, presently, planning to go to court with her bank! 
This message serves to inform all and sundry that transaction alert is NO longer sacrosanct and is NOT a confirmation of payment! 
You MUST physically confirm any and all such transaction alerts before parting with your possession! 
Please let us all be careful when doing transactions especially this season and now in this technology crazy generation! 
Spread and share this information!
I think going to the bank to confirm receipts of transactions is definitely not always feasible which is why it is important to register for internet banking, that way, you can easily check your account balance and monitor yopur transactions from your phone. At the very least, confirm with an ATM that money has entered your account before you release something and it becomes stories that touch! 

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