Thursday 16 July 2015

10 Things To Do When You Are In A Bad Situation

Life is a bed of roses, yes indeed. But you will do well to remember that roses have the nastiest thorns. Having that at the back of your mind, you know that difficult situations will always come your way, and going through tough times gets very depressing some times, but you have got to keep your head up and make them wonder how come you are still smiling. Here are 10 things to know that will help you do just that.

1. Spend more time with those who make you smile.

2. Look at how far you’ve come.

3. Read widely and gather all the information you can about your situation.

4. Let the upsetting emotions in, acknowledge that you don't like the present situations and break out of them by going through them.

5. Re-evaluate the situation and the events that led to it.

6. Seek help from people who are in a position to help.

7. Relinquish control and perfectionism, accept that some things are beyond your control.

8. Expect positive outcomes all the time.

9. Forget about people who judge you or make fun of you in your struggles.

10. Look forward to looking back on this event with pride - the toughest situations always make for the best success stories.

Cover image via Genius

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