Monday 6 July 2015

The 'Queen James' Bible

Will it amaze you to know that there is actually a gay bible in the markets now called the Queen James bible? According to CARM, "The Queen James Bible, also known as the Gay Bible, is a new assault on biblical orthodoxy and sexual purity. This is to be expected in a world of moral relativism. In it, the 1769 King James Bible has been reproduced with only a very few select verses altered--the ones that relate to homosexuality....  The Queen James Bible is a perversion of the original text and is the result of obvious prejudices against the original Hebrew and Greek texts in order to make homosexual practices appear acceptable."
The Queen James edition isn't a very new edition, it was first published in 2012, but the circulation has increased now. The publishers claim that they called the revised version of the Bible the “Queen James” version because they believe that King James, who commissioned the Bible to be translated into English from its original Hebrew and Greek, was bisexual.

“King James I’s many gay relationships were so well known that amongst some of his friends and court, he was known as ‘Queen James,'” the website for the publication claims. “It is in his great debt and honor that we name the Queen James Bible so.”

It states that it feels that God’s laws and the Bible itself are antiquated in a variety of ways, but that the publishers did not seek to change the text of other Scriptures of which it disagrees — only texts surrounding homosexuality.

Please, before you buy new bibles, look very carefully for where the translation/version you are buying is indicated - even for children bibles so that you don't end up buying something you did not bargain for.

Cover image via Virtueonline

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