Sunday 23 August 2015

Are You Ready For This? The 30 Day Relationship Challenge!

There are very few things worse than being in a relationship that is not working out. It just has a way of getting into all other parts of your life and messing things up, right? Well, if you are convinced you are with the right person and things just seem to be going a little down-hill right now, before you make any drastic decisions, why not try out this 30 day relationship challenge designed by Pro flowers? They swear it's backed by science, besides, it won't hurt to try!

You don't even have to wait until something is wrong in your relationship, this would be fun to do just because you want to. It would definitely improve what you already have.

If things are still not right at the end of these 30 days, then...., no comment!

Cover image via Proflowers

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