Friday 28 August 2015

For The Love Of Food: Have You Ever Tried Ogbono With Ewedu?

Well garnished Ogbono soup is a delicacy that makes my heart sing. Just thinking about some nicely molded pounded yam (even Ola Ola poundo yam would do) sitting beside a steaming bowl of ogbono is thrilling. Don't mind me, that is how I usually get lyrical about good food. Anyway, I'm sure we can all agree about the fact that Ogbono is always an excellent choice of soup anyday. Most people cook ogbono with ugwu leaves or other vegetables, accompanied with differnt kinds of protein of course. I usually even do it with okro too, and my family loves it. However, I never thought about Ogbono and Ewedu (Jute leaves) until I found this recipe on Korje, and believe me, it makes plenty sense!
2 cups ogbono, blended

1 large onion

3 fresh peppers, scotch bonnet or habanero
1/4 cup palm oil
Goat meat
Cow skin (ponmo)
1 stock fish head
Jute leaves
3 stock cubes


Soak stock fish in salt water to soften. Pound pepper, crayfish and onion together, set aside.Wash goat meat properly. Wash ponmo and cut to desired size. Put the meat and stock fish in a pot and season with one stock cube and some salt, allow to cook in its own water for about 3 minutes before adding water. If your ponmo is hard, add it to the meat to cook from the onset. If it is soft, wait until the meat is almost ready before adding it.

When the meat is almost ready, put the pepper and crayfish mix, add the palm oil too. Make sure you still have enough meat stock in the pot, if not, add some water.

Put in your properly blended ogbono and allow to boil for about 10 minutes, stir regularly to avoid burning. Add the remaining stock cubes. Taste for salt. Add jute and allow to cook for a few minutes before removing from heat.

So much nutrition and tastiness in one bowl! Please enjoy.

Cover image via Korje

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