Friday 28 August 2015

6 Reasons A Good Man Would Never Cheat On His Woman

I recently came across a quote by a popular girl who loves to twerk. She said something about how all men cheat, without exception and how a man who really loves his woman would still cheat on her but will make sure she never finds out because he loves her. In my opinion, that is crazy thinking! Unfortunately, it's making the rounds already on Facebook and now thousands of people are forming or strengthening a wrong mindset.

Fortunately, I saw an article that shows that some people still have their thinking right afterall. Why on Earth would anyone think a man who loves a woman would cheat on her but would do everything it takes to make sure she doesn't find out? He might as well put in all that energy in making sure he doesn't cheat in the first place. Thinking Humanity wrote a brilliant piece on why a good man would never cheat!
There are many reasons why a man or a woman would cheat on their partner. There may be some certain reasons why men cheat that usually differ from the reasons why women cheat. However that's not always based on the gender. What is also untrue is the myth that every man and every woman cheat. Of course there are certain circumstances when people are tired with their relationship and really need to end it. But then there are two types of people; those who really end the relationship and those who choose to cheat on their partner. If your partner is a good man, then you don't need to be afraid of the possibility that he will cheat on you. Just read the following reasons why a really good man would never cheat:
 1) He respects his woman and his relationship with her. Respect is one of the most important traits in a relationship. Some people don't respect what they have. This is because they've got their own insecurities that make them selfish. Good men - and good people in general - won't be disrespectful. On the contrary they appreciate the fact that they're in a happy relationship. So you just need to respect it too. 2) He doesn't think that sex is everything. Of course a good relationship is highly based on good sex. However sex isn't everything. There are other things that also matter such us communication, common interests, understanding and trust. If all of these exist in your relationship, then good sex can exist too. A good man knows that so he won't try to find sex in some other woman. In addition, a good man understands that monogamy is a choice. Since he has made that choice, there's no reason for him to change his mind.
 3) He thinks love is really important. That's why he would never give up a really successful relationship in order to replace it with a one-night-stand. A good man prefers to be fulfilled and that's why he values true love more than anything else. So, even if your relationship faces its difficulties, you should know that true love can solve any problem. 4) He doesn't care about counting the women he has slept with. As it was mentioned before, a good man doesn't feel ashamed of monogamy. Only little boys care about how many girls they've slept with and that's because they're still immature. A good man puts his values first. 5) He knows how to discuss what bothers him. So if there's a problem in your relationship, don't worry, he'll tell you. And he'll tell you soon enough, when there's still time and willingness in both of you to fix the situation. In other words, he would never choose to ignore a problem and cheat on you. That seems an easy solution to forget the problems of your relationship, but in reality it isn't a solution at all! And that's not what good men do. 6) He can control his emotions. That means that he is able of telling apart a real feeling from a temporary emotion that doesn't really matter for him. So you would never hear a good man saying that "he was too drunk to think". Let alone the fact that a good man has no good reason to get "too drunk".

Cover image via Howng 

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