Wednesday 9 September 2015

3 Harsh Truths That You Know, And Yet Ignore

I watched an interesting series recently - Homeland. I guess it's quite popular. The series has several characters in it that I don't really like and top on that list is the Dana Brody character. In Homeland, Dana was one saucy teenage girl who always acted like the whole World owed her something. That was the number one thing I disliked her for. I was reading Thought catalog's article titled 7 harsh truths that will make you a more powerful person just now and 3 of them just jumped out at me. Of course, the fact that the World owes you nothing is one of them. I find these harsh truths so true, the sooner we admit them to ourselves, the better for us all!

1. You are never going to please everybody.

If you actually listened to what every single person wanted from you, you’d end up a lifeless, shapeless, emotionless blob. And then someone would come along and tell you to be more interesting.

The truth is, it’s impossible to please everybody. There will always be someone who’s offended by the most traditional life path or bored by the most radical one. You’re going to be criticized no matter what you do, so you might as well do what you love. Because if there’s anyone whose judgment you should listen to, it’s your own.

2. The world owes you absolutely nothing.

You may be the coolest, kindest, smartest, most interesting person in the world, but if you’re not putting any of those traits to work, you’re entitled to absolutely nothing in exchange for possessing them.

Truly powerful people know that there are two basic choices: You can spend your entire life feeling sorry for yourself because you deserve more than you’re getting, or you can go out into the world and actually claim what’s yours. Guess which choice the more successful people tend to opt for?

3. Your actions define you, not your thoughts.

You can sit indoors all day conceptualizing a better world, but until you get out there and start implementing change, you’re not actually making a difference. Good intention is a wonderful thing but unless it’s coupled with action, it counts for nothing. At the end of the day, your character is determined by what you do, not by what you think about.

Cover image via Currencyjunkie

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