Tuesday 15 September 2015

Dear Impulse Buyer, This Is How To Avoid Buying What You Don't Need

I think there is an impulse buyer in all of us. You know how it works : you step into Shoprite (or any other mall or store) with an idea of what you want to buy, sometimes you even have a list. You begin to browse through the shelves, and then something catches your eye, it's something you don't exactly need, but then, it's cheap or it's on sale, so you grab one (or more). Before you know it, you have a cart that is fuller than you intended and then when you are waiting in line to pay or what you needed and all the extra stuff, you see those nice chocolates and candy bars at the till and you find yourself reaching for some....

Sounds familiar, right? Well, here are 5 tips that could help you deal with impulse buying and keep more money in your pocket for when you really need it.

1. Don’t take a basket or cart. People who shop with a basket buy much more than those who don’t use a basket. If you don't have a long shopping list, going in without a basket or a cart will force you to stick to only what you do need.

2. Don’t linger. How much time you spend in a store is one of the most important factors in determining how much you’ll buy. All that time just 'checking out' whats on the shelves can make you buy more than you planned to.

3. If you’re a woman, shop with a man. A woman will spend less time in a store when she’s with a man than when she’s by herself, with another woman, or with children. I don't know why men have such an effect though.

4. Don’t touch or taste. A lot of impulse buys are triggered by some tactile experience.

5. Be on your guard near the register. Lots of impulse purchases are there to tempt you - candy, chocolate, dime novels, unnecessary magazines, chewing gums, etc.

Cover image via Thechart.blogs.cnn.com

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