Wednesday 16 September 2015

For The Love Of Food: The Wonderful Thing About stir Frying....

The wonderful thing about stir frying is that you can make yourself something amazingly tasty in a matter of minutes - just like I did tonight! I had decided noodles would be for dinner, but I didn't want plain noodles, I wanted something extra and I didn't have any green peas or sweet corn, not even sausages! I was still contemplating what to do when I remembered I had one piece of plantain left in the fridge and some mushrooms in the freezer. Of course I had onions sitting in a basket and some fresh peppers and tomatoes also in the freezer..., a plan formed in my head - stir fry!!!

I immediately got busy. I got out all the ingredients previously mentioned and started dicing. It felt like a good night for some gizdodo (check out the recipe), but like my best friend always says, "in the absence of an alligator, you settle for a crocodile". By the time I was done dicing everything, I had a very god feeling about what was coming up.

With the dicing done, I started by frying the diced plantain in a skillet with shallow oil (I didn't want the end product to be oily). The stir frying had begun! I let it fry until it was just slightly brown and then rescued it from the hot oil (just for a short while though). Next in the oil were the onions and then the peppers, Those ones stayed in for a while before I poured in some Maggi mix'py (to give extra colour and flavour). At this point I added a little bit of water to allow the mix'py get properly incorporated. I also added a dash of salt and a pinch of curry and thyme. Of course, since it was a stir fry, I didn't stop stiring.

Next in was the small pile of diced mushrooms, some extra stiring and then my pre-fried dodo. I turned the heat down to minimum for about a minute more, gave the whole mix one last stir and then my side dish was ready to go on the plate!

By the time my noodles got ready, this was what my dinner plate looked like: 

It did taste nice. That's the great thing about food, there is always a new experiment to try and always more and more variables to play around with! Experiment some more too, just for the love of food.

Cover image via

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