Tuesday 22 September 2015

Ten Lessons From Mother Hen

I don't know much about animal husbandry but I guess people who have experience growing birds have an idea of how hens behave when the lay eggs. Even for those of us who don't know much except for how to make delicious recipes out of those eggs and even the hens themselves, there is something to learn from this piece:

1. She first lays enough eggs before sitting on them: It's called "Good planning and being Knowledgeable" .
2. When she starts sitting on her eggs,she minimizes movements. That's called "Discipline".
3. She physically loses weight while sitting on her eggs due to decreased feeding: It's called "Sacrifice and self denial".
4. She can sit on eggs from another hen: This is one simply being" Indiscriminate and generous".
5. She sits on her eggs for 21 days patiently waiting and even if they don't hatch she will still lay eggs again: This is "Faith, hope and refusing to be discouraged".
6. She detects unfertilized eggs and rolls them out: This is being "Sensitive and discerning".
7. She abandons the rotten eggs and starts caring for the hatched chick(s) even if it is only one: This is being "Wise, season conscious and Realistic".
8. No one can touch her chicks easily. This is "protective Love".
9. She gathers all her Chick's together: This is strictly called "Unity of purpose".
10. She can't abandon her chicks before they mature: This is called "Mentorship".
Continue brooding your dreams,one day they shall hatch and u shall see them grow. Never give up.
Source: N. Uzochukwu 

Cover image via Blogorama.edublogs.org 

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