Tuesday 8 September 2015

Where Is Your Own Ferrari?!

Have you ever been in a situation where someone seems to be trying to make you look stupid and then you turn it back on them in a brilliant way? It always feels good! Check out the conversation that comes after the cut...

Sam:do you drink beer?
Jo: yes
Sam: how many bottles per day?
Jo: 5
Sam: When did you start drinking beer?
Jo:18yrs back.
Sam: how much is a bottle
Jo: $2
Sam: so you spent $10 for beer per day?
Jo: yes
Sam: If you were saving that $10 per day ”×" 18 years, you get $648 000,u could be driving your own Ferrari right now!
Jo: May i also ask a question?
Sam: go ahead
Jo: do you drink beer?
Sam: No
Jo: So where is your Ferrari?

If I was Jo, I would have gone ahead to remind Sam that the price of beer did not stay constant over 18 years, and neither did the price of a Ferrari! Lol.

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