Saturday, 3 October 2015

How Often Do You Wash Your Towel?

Before washing machines became popular, I used to hate, in fact, loathe the task of washing my bathroom towel. Why? I was a lot smaller then (with hands proportional to my then small body size), yet my mum would always buy the thickest and heaviest towels she could find in the market. At least, that's how it felt then.Those towels were twice my size, how could my small hands do justice to washing them well, especially the wringing part? As you can imagine, I would never wring them out, I would just do the bit I could do in the water, take it out of the bucket and hang it out like that to drip till it dried.

Oh thank GOD for washing machines! Now, I can decide to wash my still heavy towels everyday if I so please. How often do you wash your towels? The experts say it's best to wash towels after every 3 to 4 uses/days. They say it's because towels are usually in a germ prone area all the time and never quite dry out well enough. Those factors make it possible for them to breed bacteria and mold pretty fast (ewww). It's good practice really, to wash your towels that often. However, I must confess that try as I may, I don't always make the twice weekly towel change myself. I do make up for it by hanging my towel out to dry in the sun and air most times though.

So, if you already change your towels twice in a week, kudos to you, super hero! If you are not there yet, do try to make sure that you never use a towel for more than a week before cleaning it up. It just wouldn't do to get squeaky clean only to have a towel put germs or dirt back on your body before you even get a chance to dress up!

Cover image via

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