Sunday, 4 October 2015

The Weird Thing About Nigerian Lingo

Have you noticed Nigerians can be very repititive when speaking? Many expressions are one word repeated twice. For example, you always here people say things like small small, sharp sharp, follow follow, fear fear, scatter scatter, cry cry, holy holy, lie lie, talk talk etc.

The trend isn't even restricted to English, it shows up in our local languages too, or more correctly, we got it from our local languages and applied it to English. Examples are jedijedi, wanyo wanyo, gbomogbomo, kulikuli, moimoi, lailai, palapala, wuruwuru, etc.

I guess word like magomago, yoriyori, potopoto, puff puff, chin chin, etc fit into pidgin English double words. It's just interesting to think about, particularly as I find myself using some of these expressions daily myself. Lol

Don't you use them too? You can probably think of several more of such repetitive Nigerian branded expressions! I love Naija.

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