Thursday 1 October 2015

Rejection Is Just One Person's Opinion!

This post is not necessarily directed at rejection from ex boyfriends/girlfriends (although, in a general sense, I guess it could also apply). What I mean is actually those times when you've come up with a brilliant idea or plan, or something that seemed like it was brilliant until someone threw it back in your face and told you that your idea and maybe even you are simply not good enough. Rejection happens to the best of us and it hurts like crazy. What you must always keep in mind however is that rejection is just one person's opinion (or several people sometimes), but it doesn't mean what they think is the fact. By the way, rejection only spurs you to go further and do better, it makes you want to out-do your past self, and that's a very good thing. It's called improvement!

I really like the way this guy summarized the whole rejection issue. Marc Chernoff of Mar & Angel Hack Life said:
If a person discovers a 200-carat white diamond in the earth but, due to ignorance, believes it to be worthless, and thus tosses it aside, does this tell us more about the diamond or the person? Along the same lines, when one person rejects another, it reveals a lot more about the “rejecter” than the “rejected.” All you are really seeing is the, often shortsighted, opinion of one person. 
Consider the following… 
If J.K. Rowling stopped after being rejected by multiple publishers for years, there would be no Harry Potter. If Howard Schultz gave up after being turned down by banks 200+ times, there would be no Starbucks. If Walt Disney quit too soon after his theme park concept was trashed by 300+ investors, there would be no Disney World. 
One thing is for sure: If you give too much power to the opinions of others, you will become their prisoner.

Don't go being anyone's prisoner! 

Cover image via

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