Sunday 17 May 2015

Advice To Those Falling In Love - Before 'The Falling'

I love love stories, who doesn't? Falling in love is such a delightful experience, you know. Suddenly, you have butterflies in your tummy, your heartbeat accelerates when ever that special person as much as looks in your direction. In fact, it feels like the whole World has become one big stage, and the sun has focused all it's beams into a bright spotlight that shines on you and your beloved only, so beautiful...

But lets break this fantasy for a short while. This is advice for those falling in love as seen on my husband is my hero. Before getting into that love bubble, you might want to consider these (I am 'particularly particular' about nos 5 & 6):

1. When you fall in love make sure it's with somebody who treats you exactly how you deserve to be treated.

2. Love somebody who wants to know everything about you, from your favourite colour to your childhood memories how you managed to survive all those years.

3. Love somebody who can make you laugh, and who notices all your flaws but chooses to see past them.

4. Love somebody who listens to whatever is on your mind, who protects you and always reminds you how blessed they are to have found you.

5. Love somebody who you can't stay mad at for more than an hour because you miss speaking to them, who knows every freckle on your face, every scar and every tear.

6. Love somebody who you can plan your future with, and most importantly love somebody who is head over heels in love with God.

7. And lastly don't forget to make them feel loved in return.

Happy falling in love guys!

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