Sunday 17 May 2015

Short Story - Behind The Masks

"Don't worry, I know I am not living a very good life, but that is why I have you to pray for me, and when I want to marry, I will go to the church and find a very spiritual woman who will cover for me spiritually. Life is too short for me not to enjoy it." Those were the words Shola had spoken to his mum almost 1 year ago when she complained as usual about his reckless lifestyle. 

Mum died barely 4 months after they had that conversation, and now, Shola knew he needed another woman as strong as his mother had been to fill in the gap in his life. As he had told his mum, Shola's search for a wife took him to the church. First believers assembly was a well respected church in the neighborhood, the members of the church were known to be very pious and spiritual, so Shola became a member of the church.

It had occurred to him earlier that a proper christian girl would only want to marry on of her own kind, so Shola had tweaked his life a bit to fit into that mold. He started going for all the church programs. He disassociated from his club friends and made new friends in church, to avoid raising suspicions, he even became a worker and never missed a single workers'meeting. He kept his eyes wide open in those meetings, and before long, those eyes fell on sister Mary.

Sister Mary was so holy, always dressed modestly, cheerful, but quiet. She had such a calm spirit, and even that her name, Mary, it reeked of holiness -after all, that was even the name of the mother of Jesus! Shola had made his choice, and in accordance with the guidelines of the choice, he informed the pastor of his intentions. Nine months later, they were married.

Shortly after their wedding, Shola went back to his former lifestyle, the months of pretense had been torture. He was pleased with his newly acquired 'spiritual'wife, and confident that she would be down on her knees praying for him around the clock. After work one day, he went to pick up one of his old friends who just came in from abroad. They were going to hang out at the bar together and catch up on old times.

On the way to the club, Jide started raving about reuniting with a former girlfriend, about how the girl had come to see him yesterday and he realized she was still as hot as ever. When they got to the club, Jide was still raving about this super hot wonder girl he called Cathy. Shola got intrigued and asked Jide to invite the girl over to the club, so he would see what the hype was all about. Jide sent Cathy a text and told her to com over.

Three drinks and a couple of cigarettes later, Jide tapped Shola that Cathy had arrived and he was going to get her outside. A minute later, Jide was coming back with a lady on his arm, she was hot indeed in a very short provocative gown and stiletto heels, as usual, Shola started looking at her from her legs and his eyes moved slowly and appreciatively up her body as they approached. When his eyes reached her face, it took him a second to realize what he was seeing. 

Shola wondered if it was the alcohol at work, he rose to his feet unsteadily and looked again at sexy Cathy. His eyes widened in surprise, surprise became shock.

"Mary?!" he said.

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