Tuesday 9 June 2015

7 Key Differences Between Successful People And Unsuccessful People

Success is not a destination, it's a journey, and as such, no one just becomes successful or unsuccessful overnight, it's about a dynamic mix of mindsets and habits formed over the years. An unsuccessful person does not have to remain so, he/she can become successful by learning how to. One of the major differences include the fact that unsuccessful people think they know it all while successful people never stop learning and growing, so, it will be well worth your time to go through this post and discover something you didn't know before!

1. Successful people know that their success is dependent on others

2. Successful people recognize that change is constant and move with it rather than get stuck A good book to read about accepting and maximizing change is 'Who moved my cheese?'

3. This is clear, successful people are focused on creativity and productivity, not gossip. They know that ideas rule the World.

4. Successful people are in charge of their own success, it doesn't just 'happen' to them.

5. Successful people have an insatiable desire for knowledge and information.

6. Successful people genuinely appreciate others. They understand well the value of other peoples' inputs.

7. Successful people never burn bridges!

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