Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Health Talk: Did You Know Not Having Enough Water Can Make You Get Sick?!

You already know water is good for your system, and you have been told of all it's health benefits, but you probably still don't drink as much water as you should. Let's look at this water thing from a different perspective - rather than talk about the benefits of water, let's talk about 8 of the things that could go wrong in your body if you don't take enough water.

1High and Low Blood Pressure: The body’s blood volume is not enough to completely fill the entire set of arteries, veins, and capillaries.

2. Fatigue, Energy Loss: Dehydration of the tissues causes enzymatic activity to slow down.

3. Premature Aging: The body of a newborn child is composed of 80 percent liquid, but this percentage declines to no more than 70 percent in an adult and continues to decline with age. Water keeps the skin supple and smooth.

4. Excess Weight and Obesity: There is a strong tendency to over eat when the body lacks enough water. Thirst is often confused with hunger.  

5. Cholesterol: When dehydration causes too much liquid to be drained from inside the cells, the body tries to stop this loss by producing more cholesterol.

6. Constipation: When chewed food enters the colon, it contains too much liquid to allow stools to form properly, and the wall of the colon reduces it. In chronic dehydration, the colon takes too much water to give to other parts of the body.

7. Urinary Infections: If toxins contained in urine are insufficiently diluted, they attack the urinary mucous membranes.

8. Brain Dysfunction: The moment the brain detects dehydration, some brain functions go haywire. Why do you think people in deserts without water for days begin to see mirages and start hallucinating. The brain basically starts to shut down gradually.

You think these can never happen to you? Don't even create an opportunity. Drinking water isn't such a difficult thing to do, just make sure you carry a bottle with you everywhere you go. Live healthy!

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