Monday 1 June 2015

Top 10 Jobs That Will Be Completely Taken Over By Robots Sooner Than You Think

It looks like all the robot movies are coming true after all, let's just hope the part about robots taking over the World never comes true. But about robots taking over jobs, from the employers' view, robots make all the sense in the World, apart from the cost of acquiring them, all you have to think of is maintenance from time to time. Robots won't make mistakes, they won't ask for a salary raise, they won't form unions, they are a lot more efficient and precise than humans, they won't get sick and ask for time off, etc. However, this raises a lot of issues for employees, chief among them being how to cope with the surge of unemployment that job automation will bring?

Is your own job safe, or are robots taking over? Find out after the cut.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, it only features the top 10.

10. Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers

Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers have a 95.1% chance of being automated. 

Robots are becoming critical to the production process of electronics because of their precision and accuracy. They are being used to do things such as: load solar wafers into solar cells, place LED light bulbs, and inspect circuit boards, as reported by the Robotics Industries Association. 

9. Jewelers and Precious Stone Metal Workers

Jewelers and precious stone and metal workers have a 95.5% chance of being automated.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts their employment to decline 10% between now and 2022 as robots begin assisting in the manufacturing and repairing of jewelry. 

8. Restaurant Cooks

Restaurant cooks have a 96.3% chance of being automated.

A noodle-slicing robot named Foxbot can be found at Dazzling Noodles, an open-kitchen restaurant chain in North China's Shanxi province. There's another robot chef making crab bisque from scratch, thanks to 20 motors, 24 joints, and 129 sensors. The robot, designed by Moley Robotics, can complete the complicated dish in 30 minutes and even plates it.

7. Cashiers

Cashiers have a 97.1% chance of being automated.

Panera Bread announced that it will have replaced all of its cashiers with kiosks by 2016, according to a USA Today article. Additionally, self-checkout machines are continuing to spring up in grocery stores around the world.

6. Fashion Models

Surprisingly, fashion models have a 97.6% chance of being automated.

In addition to "taking over" fashion model jobs, robots are performing in other surprising ways, such as acting. Engineered Arts, a British company, has created a fully interactive and multilingual robot called the RoboThespian, which can hold eye contact, guess a person's mood and age, and break into song.

5. Drivers

Drivers have a 97.8% chance of being automated.

Drivers and chauffeurs won't be needed for much longer. Google's self-driving test cars have driven thousands of miles without human intervention. Also, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick loves the idea of autonomous vehicles and announced that Uber will eventually be replacing all of its drivers with cars that drive themselves. 

4. Referees and Umpires

Umpires and referees have a 98.3% chance of being automated.

In professional tennis, a computerized umpire called Hawk Eye is already being used to help the chief umpire make close line calls. Players have the option of "challenging" a call, in which the Hawk Eye system will display where the ball landed and whether it was in or out. Its decisions are final.

Hawk Eye represents just one system being used to solve disputes in sports. 

3. Bank Tellers

Tellers have a 98.3% chance of being automated.

Chances are you haven't used a human bank teller in a while. ATMs already provide most of the services that tellers offer.

2. Timing-Device Assemblers and Adjusters

Timing device assemblers and adjusters have a 98.5% chance of being automated.

Machines are now able to perform the precise assembling, adjusting, or calibrating that timing device assemblers specialize in. 

1. Telemarketers

Telemarketers have a 99% chance of being automated. 

Many of today's cold-callers are not human. Robots can not only perform the job 24/7, but they can also maintain energy and perkiness no matter how many rude consumers they interact with.

Source: NPR

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