Monday 1 June 2015

[Video] This Speech Is So Electrifying That It Will Make You Get Goosebumps!

This powerful speech was delivered by Tim Lee to his classmates during his graduation from Hampton University. Before he was done, everyone was on their feet, clapping and cheering loudly. These words can take you far in life. Watch the video after the cut.

The words are so strong and they carry a clear and true message. I think everyone should remind themselves of these words each day, maybe print it out and stick it on a wall somewhere or put them up as sticky note on your devices.

A- Accept the challenge
B- Believe in yourself
C- Convert you thoughts into hopes
D- Determine to convert your hopes into dreams
E- Expect some obstacles on the way
F- Fight while being faithful and finish the course
G-Get God on your side
H- Have a Harving model of leadership
I- Inspire someone else
J- Take Jesus on your journey
K- Keep on keeping on
L- Be a Leader
M- Make everyday count
N- Never give up
O- Overcome your obstacles
P- Put your best foot forward
Q- Quit quitting
R- Run the race with patience
S- Strive on while (continue to T)
T- Trusting in the Lord
U- Use your talents
V- Value your time
W- Wait for understanding
X- X-ray your own lifestyle
Y- Yearn to achieve all that you seek
Z- Be Zealous when reaching the top

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