Monday 6 July 2015

This Is Exactly What You Need And Should Have In This Rainy Season

It's the season of rains and rain can really get in the way sometimes. Rain causes traffic congestion everywhere, makes you get wet and in most cases dirty, particularly if you don't have a car and just generally makes having to go out seem like a dismal affair. Everyone is forced to carry umbrellas around, but the problems with umbrellas include the fact that they get blown over when there are strong winds, they drip on your floors and make puddles that have to be cleaned up, plus the fact that in high traffic areas, you find umbrella colliding and all that. What if there was a way to avoid all these and still stay dry in the rain?

Well, a solution has been found... Introducing the air umbrella! Instead of the fabric, the air umbrella uses a battery powered system to blow air and deflect raindrops from you, thereby keeping you dry! No more colliding with other peoples umbrellas or struggling with an umbrella in the wind. Pretty cool right? Lets hope this nice invention hits the general markets soon.

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